ドラえもん (Doraemon)

Doraemon is a children's cartoon about a robotic cat that comes from the 22nd century to the 20th century and stays with Nobi Family.  He is Nobita's best friend and always tries to help out Nobita using devices from the 22nd century.  Doraemon loves dorayaki (Japanese red bean pancakes) and hates mice.

  • Doraemon Episode 5 - Tripping Killer

    (6.5 min - Beginner) Nobita is always getting bullied from Gian. Gian is mean, but does Doraemon really need to hire a hitman to get rid of him?! We know that Doraemon's toys can get out of hand though, so find out what happens! Vocabulary: 遅刻(running late), 気を付ける(be careful), 殺し屋(hitman), 転ばし屋(...

    Premium Cast
  • Doraemon Episode 6 - Nobitas Bride

    (6.5 min - Beginner) It's Nobita's birthday and he gets nervous about something very strange. Thanks to Doraemon's teasing, Nobita is worried about if he will ever get married. Doraemon, the time-travelling cat, can help Nobita see his future, but what will he see? Vocabulary: お誕生日おめでとう(Happy...

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  • Doraemon Episode 7 - Doraemons Prediction

    (6.5 min - Beginner) Nobita wants to go see Shizuka, but Doraemon sees into the future and predicts something bad for Nobita. Nobita has to get out of seeing Shizuka so he doesn't get hit on the head. What will Nobita choose and can he avoid his fate? Vocabulary: どうしても(by all means, absolutely),...

    Premium Cast
  • Learn Japanese from Cartoons - Doraemon Episode 8 - Dinosaur Hunter

    (6.5 min - Beginner) With active imaginations, Nobita sees a dinosaur randomly in his room. Doraemon agrees because he was just dinosaur hunting! Nobita wants to play too, so Doraemon uses one of his special devices to search for dinosaurs! What will Nobita and Doraemon find on their crazy...

    Premium Cast
  • Learn Japanese from Cartoons - Doraemon Episode 9 - Spy Operation

    (6.5 min - Beginner) Nobita is being exported at school by Suneo and is forced to do many things. When Doraemon finds out, he is outraged and seeks to help Nobita with a big spy operation. In this hilarious episode, what will they find!? Vocabulary: 花瓶(vase), 私たちばっかり(just us), どうして僕が(why me (male...

    Premium Cast
  • Doraemon Episode 10 - Doraemon Falls in Love

    (6.5 min - Beginner) Doraemon falls in love with another robot cat named MiiChan. Nobita helps Doraemon as his love has to overcome many obstacles -- rivals, parents, big dogs… But what's the biggest obstacle at all? Find out in this special lovers episode! Vocabulary: 花に例える(to compare to a...

    Free Cast
  • Doraemon Ep1 - Nobita Lando

    (8 min - Beginner) Nobita and Doraemon can't find an appropriate place to play so they wish there was a city of freedom - 自由の町 (jiyuu no machi). Lucky for Nobita, Doraemon has the skills to build Nobita's dream city! (You might recognize some parts of this episode as they were featured in grammar...

    Free Cast
  • Doraemon Ep2 - Transformation Cookie

    (6.5 min - Beginner) While Doraemon is gone, Nobita finds his special cookies and serves them to a house guest. Nobita goes out after eating one and turns into a cat! Doraemon finds out and they have to try to stop the guest from eating the special cookie or else their Mom will be very mad!...

    Free Cast
  • Doraemon Ep3 - Test Memory Bread

    Learn Japanese from Drama - Doraemon Episode 3 - Memory Bread Watch the Video Below! Please watch the video below accompanied by notes. Subtitles are available in the video player. Select the appropriate caption for your learning style! Learn Japanese from Cartoons - Doraemon Episode 3 - Memory...

    Premium Cast
  • Doraemon Ep4 - NS Clip

    (6.5 min - Beginner) Time to play with another one of Doraemon's fun toys from the future! This time, Doraemon shares his special NS clip which plays on the laws of magnetic properties. How will Doraemon and Nobita use this fun tool to deal with foes and friends? Vocabulary: 大発見(big discovery),...

    Premium Cast

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