We have learned that "I eat oranges" goes as "orenji wo tabemasu" and "I like oranges" as "orenji ga suki desu"! But is there sentence to say "I like (suki) to eat(taberu) oranges" ? Or does オレンジが好きです already include all kinds of activities?
Like you said,「オレンジが好きです」means "I like oranges." Similar with English, and with context, one can assume that you like oranges because you like eating them. But if you really want to be specific, and say that you like eating oranges, you can say「オレンジを食べるのが好きです」. But simply「オレンジが好きです」should convey that you like to eat oranges.
What's the diffrent between kinsen and genkin?
Kinsen is a general term for money or concept of money, more formal so not too often used when talking. Genkin refers to physical money, or money on hand.
I thought i love you was "愛しています" not "あなたが好きです" see im not fluent but what ive learned so far is that, could someone clarify, do they mean the same thing or is it just the context?
Japanese is a high-context language, so it really depends. In the case of telling a girl you're trying to date - "I love you", then it's "anata ga suki desu." However, if you're telling your husband you love him, you can use "ai shiteiru"
I'm a little confuse in the sentence "Shi sen wo kanji ru". Where is the "you" since it means "you feel the gaze " or is it "I feel the gaze"?
This is an application of a Japanese concept we covered earlier in the video. The subject is often dropped from the sentence and inferred with context; meaning "I" and "You" are often not used, and instead, you have to follow what's happening to figure it out. The context is that the narrator is giving directions on how to find love. So without context, this can be "I feel the gaze" or "you feel the gaze".
Doesnt orenji refer to the colour than the fruit? I thought the fruit was mikan?
orenji' refers to an orange. mikan also means orange but is more specifically a mandarin orange (the smaller one). orenji iro (orenji = orange, iro = color) refers to the color orange
Why is in taberu ta written with kanji instead of た
" For writing purposes, we try to use kanji as much as possible. When you read, think of the hiragana as the sounds you make with the letter, and the kanji as the meaning of the letter. If you were to read a paragraph with only hiragana, it could get really tricky, one because there are many words that sound the same but mean different things, and writing with only hiragana would make the paragraph longer than with kanji. Therefore kanji is needed to give your writing a clearer context and make it easier to read. In our case, we wouldn't be wrong if we did say たべる, since there aren't other similar sounding words, but writing out with the kanji, 食べる, makes your writing look more sophisticated in general :)"
What is the man saying at 5:00 ? I'm not sure, it sounds somehow like: 僕の永遠になって下さい。boku no eien ni natte kudasai. And isn't it more polite to use 君 (kimi) instead of あなた (anata)?
"He says: 僕の親に会ってください (Please meet my parents) which is basically a marriage proposal. あなた (anata) is more polite than 君 (kimi). Earlier in this episode he uses 君 (kimi) with someone else's wife and people look at him very strange because it's too casual."
it's strange to use wo, when literally no one uses wo anymore in spoken language. They use o, instead.
"It's written as ""wo"" but pronounced as ""o"" There are a lot of situations where they change the pronunciation of a character because it sounds better."
Actually, suki desu doesn't mean "I love you", but "I like you". "I love you" would be "aishiteru", and it is seldom used by "normal" Japanese people.
The word "suki" by itself means to like. But Japanese is a highly contextual language. In a situation where one person is confessing, "suki desu" is better translated to "I love you." If you're pointing at apples and saying "suki desu" then you're saying I like apples.
このレッスンありがとうございました。〜 (´・ω・`) Even though I am truly greatful for this lesson, I still have a doubt. My doubt is about the sentence ''Anata ga suki desu.'' / 「あなた が すき で。」 As you can see, it means ''I love you.'' However, in some formal confessions I have seen in several Shoujo anime, they sometimes say ''Suki'' / 「好き」 / ''Like'' and automatically the character who was confessed to, somewhat understands the meaning of what they are referring to with only the word ''Suki''. I would appreciate if this doubt was clarified, thank you in advance.
Yes you got it! Japanese is highly contextual.