Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! 10 Uses of This Everyday Japanese Phrase

How to Use よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu) -- an extremely useful everyday phrase with many different applications.
Yoroshiku! If you have been studying Japanese for a while, you must have realized that learning Japanese goes so much deeper than just learning the language. You have to know the manners, customs, traditions, cultures, when to use Keigo and the list goes on. Japan is a high context culture-meaning they mainly rely on non-verbal, implicit communication such as context, personal relationships and traditions to interpret messages.
If you are a gaijin learning Japanese, don’t get discouraged just yet. With dedication, patience and practice, you soon will be able to speak Japanese fluently like 日本人 (nihonjin: a Japanese person).
“When to use よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegaishimasu) and 宜しくお願い致します (yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu) depends on the context and the relationship you have with the person you are talking to. The latter is more formal. (In this article, both apply but we will stick to the more colloquial one.”
After living in the U.S. for almost 10 years, I’ve noticed that you have to speak up your mind and tell people exactly what you want in America. It’s okay to say “no” or let people know that you don’t want to do something. However, this American way of living doesn’t really apply in Japan.
Since saying “no” or demanding something is considered to be rude in Japan, a lot of communications are implied. It requires a mutual understanding of some sort and a skill to “read the air” (空気を読む: くうきをよむ: Kuuki wo yomu).
“よろしくお願いします” is a useful phrase to know in order to navigate through Japanese high context culture without stepping on anybody’s toe. So, how exactly can we use “よろしくお願いします” like a native Japanese speaker? Keep on reading ;)
よろしくお願いします:よろしくおねがいします:Yoroshiku onegai shimasu
“よろしくお願いします”-Please Do Something

To be polite and display humility, bowing can accompanied by a formal request.
I’d say this is the most useful way to use “よろしくお願いします.” This phrase can be used to ask someone for a favor or to pressure him/her to do something. Again, since it’s considered to be not nice to demand something in Japan, this phrase comes in handy quite often.
As you drop off a file at your co-worker’s desk…
(すいません、これ、よろしくおねがいします: Suimasen, kore, yoroshiku onegai shimasu)
Translation: Excuse me, please take care of this.
When you want to ask an intern to make a copy of a document…
(こぴー、よろしくおねがいします: Copi-, Yoroshiku onegai shimasu)
Translations: Please make a copy of this.
Mother drops off her son at his friend’s house…
Mother: 5時に迎えに来ます。よろしくお願いします。
(5じにむかえにきます: 5ji ni mukaeni kimasu)
Translation: I will come pick him up at 5pm. Please take care of him till then.
“よろしくお願いします”-Thank You in Advance.

From the popular (but old) drama Gokusen about a teacher with delinquent students

From the popular (but old) drama Gokusen about a teacher with delinquent students
Teacher enters a class room, stands in front of the students…
Teacher: 始めます。(はじめます: Hajime masu)
Students: よろしくお願いします。(よろしくおねがいします: Yoroshiku onegai shimasu)
Translation: Teacher: We begin.
Students: Thank you in advance. (Please do.)
“よろしくお願いします”-Best Regards.

This term is very commonly used in emails.
よろしくお願いしますor宜しくお願い致します are frequently used to conclude a business email.

This term is very commonly used in emails.
(それではまたらいしゅう。よろしくおねがいいたします。いまい: Soredewa mata raishuu. Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu. Imai)
Translation: See you next week. Best regards, Imai.
“よろしくお願いします”-Nice to Meet You.

In Hana Kimi, Mizuki gets in front of the class and introduces herself concluding with just "Yoroshiku"
It has a subtle meaning of “please be friends with me” or “please be kind to me”. Therefore, it’s used as a pair with “はじめまして” to show that you are not a bad person (= a potential good friend).6.

In Hana Kimi, Mizuki gets in front of the class and introduces herself concluding with just "Yoroshiku"
Translation: Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you.
*Friendly way to say “nice to meet you”:
よろしく/よろしくね。 (Yoroshiku/ Yoroshiku ne)
Translation: Nice to meet you.
“よろしくお願いします”-Thank you for your consideration / Please hire me

In Hanzawa Naoki, Hanzawa would use the formal version: 宜しくお願い致します (yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu)
Man leaving an office after an interview. He says to his potential boss…
ございました: Honjitsu wa oisogashiinaka, ojikan wo tsukutteitadaki, arigatou gozaimashita)
Translation: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. I appreciate your consideration.
“よろしくお願いします”-Beginning a Meeting or New Day of Work
The boss speaks to everyone at the beginning of the meeting:
dewa hajimashou. kyou wa yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Translation: Let's get started. Today let's work hard and take care of each other.
As you walk down the busy streets of Shinjuku, a lady advertising lotion hands you a tissue pack and says:
arigatou gozaimasu. yoroshiku onegaishimasu
Translation: Thank you. Please take a look at our product.
Remember, when to use よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegaishimasu) and 宜しくお願い致します (yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu) depends on the context and the relationship you have with the person you are talking to. In a business setting, 宜しくお願い致します (yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu) may be more appropriate at times. You can be really, really formal and also say どうぞ宜しくお願い致します (dozo yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu) According to a few sources, this may be over-the-top formal.
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