Japanese 4-Letter Idioms 6

四字熟語 (yo-ji-juku-go) are four-letter idioms. These are different from words that are made up of four characters. This is the last blog entry for these idioms, so let's try out some tougher ones!Yojijukugo Idioms 6 Quiz!
Before you take the test, lets study some new idioms
Yojijukugo Idioms 6 Quiz!
Before you take the test, lets study some new idioms
in good health
kanji | romaji | meaning |
無 | mu | nothing |
病 | byō | ill |
息 | soku | breath |
災 | sai | disaster, curse |
医者に無病息災と言われたよisha ni mubyousokusai to iwareta yoThe doctor told me that I'm in good health
setting a good example and environment for the next generation
kanji | romaji | meaning |
孟 | mō | chief |
母 | bo | mother |
三 | san | three |
遷 | sen | moves, transitions |
孟母三遷に言われるように、ちゃんと子育てをしたいmoubosansen ni iwareru youni, chanto kosodate o shitaiI want to raise my children the right way, so I want to set a good example
time is money, previous
kanji | romaji | meaning |
一 | i | one |
刻 | kkoku | engrave, cut |
千 | sen | thousand |
金 | kin | gold |
この一刻千金の世の中で、ゆっくりしている暇はないkono ikkokusenkin no yo no naka de, yukkuri shiteiru hima wa naiIn this world where time is money, there's no time to do things slowly
kanji | romaji | meaning |
優 | yū | excel, surpass |
柔 | jū | soft, weak |
不 | fu | not, negative |
断 | dan | refuse, decline |
優柔不断な人は迷惑だyuujyuufudan na hito wa meiwaku daIndecisive people are annoying
making an immediate decision
kanji | romaji | meaning |
即 | soku | instant |
断 | dan | decline |
即 | so | instant |
決 | kketsu | decide |
考えもしないで、即断即決で買ってしまったkangae mo shinai de, sokudansokketsu de katteshimattaI stopped thinking about it and made a decision to buy
doubts, half convincd
kanji | romaji | meaning |
半 | han | half |
信 | shin | believe |
半 | han | half |
疑 | gi | distrust |
半信半疑で友達の話を聞くhanshinhangi de tomodachi no hanashi o kikuI listened to my friend, not sure of how much to believe him
unprecedentd, unheard
kanji | romaji | meaning |
前 | zen | front |
代 | dai | substitute |
未 | mi | un, not yet |
聞 | mon | hear |
こんな事件は、前代未聞だkonna jiken wa zendaimimondaThis case is unprecedented
dull and uninteresting
kanji | romaji | meaning |
無 | mu | nothing |
味 | mi | flavor |
乾 | kan | dry |
燥 | sou | parch |
この町の人は全員同じのようで、無味乾燥だkono machi no hito wa zenin onaji no you de, mumikansou daEveryone in this town is the same; dull and uninteresting
biggest enemy is unprepardness
kanji | romaji | meaning |
油 | yu | oil |
断 | dan | decline, refuse |
大 | tai | big |
敵 | teki | enemy |
あんな技を出されたも、油断大敵だったなanna waza o dasareta mo yudantaiteki datta naEven with that technique, we were unprepared
veteran, rich with experience through adversity
kanji | romaji | meaning |
百 | hyaku | hundred |
戦 | sen | battle |
錬 | ren | refined, pollished |
磨 | ma | grind, improve |
彼女は若いが百戦錬磨のアスリートだkanojo wa wakai ga hyakusenrenma no asuri-to daEven though she's young, she's a battle-tested athlete
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